
Dados n. 7 Rio de Janeiro 1970

Abertura Social e Participação Política no Brasil (1870 a 1920)

Parahyba, Maria Antonieta de A. G.


This paper deals with the measurement of the processes of urbanization, occupational structure and literacy (which denote the degree of social participation of the population), and of extension of franchise (which denotes the degree of participation in the political community) 1n 1872, 1900, and 1920, as well as during the 48 years of this period. It concludes that there was a general increase of social and political participation (the latter to a lesser extent); however, this does not mean that there was an opening of social and political spheres everywhere in the country. The analysis of increases ln participation at the state level suggests that there is a relation of dependence between the opening of social participation and the opening of political participation, especially in the Central-Southern states of Brazil. Notwithstanding, the proportion of members of the political community in relation to the country decreases considerably between 1873 and 1933, indicating a barrier to the political participation of those who benefited from social changes. This tendency toward the closure to political participation, which is strengthened by the oligarchical character of the system, provoked its overthrown in 1930 after one decade of revolutionary movements.

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Abertura Social e Participação Política no Brasil (1870 a 1920)