
Goals and publishing policy 

DADOS is open to the submission of unpublished manuscripts in the field of social sciences that contribute to theoretical or methodological innovation and/or empirical analysis. We foster gender and race diversity in authorship and thematic and conceptual pluralism in the contributions, which must be of academic and social interest and written clearly to the learned reader. Three formats are accepted to be evaluated by the journal: 

Original Articles: unpublished manuscripts with results of systematic academic research and that present a clear theoretical, empirical or methodological contribution to the current specialized bibliography on their subject. DADOS does not accept essays, analysis of conjecture, reviews, interviews, bibliographic balances, case reports or translations. DADOS does not open calls for papers or special issues as it works with a continuous flow submission system. All articles accepted at the desk review stage are submitted for evaluation by anonymous reviewers of the editorial board and/or external. The original manuscripts must be between 4.000 and 14.000 words (including bibliographic references, tables, and notes), and must not have been submitted or published in other academic journals, books, or special collections. Articles from preprint repositories are welcome. 

Technical notes: texts that aim to provide the academic community with innovative codes, packages and databases, in order to define and discuss their implementation. Technical notes can be about databases and text codes already published in the journal or about ongoing research, results not yet published. They should be present the scope of the underlying codes, packages and models or concepts so that readers with knowledge of statistics can understand their operation. The overall analysis workflow should be illustrated by a non-trivial and enlightening case study. Notes will not be accepted without additions relevant to academic knowledge, which only use elements already published or already well-known by the specialized community. Full reproducibility is mandatory and the source code is published along with the note. The evaluation of these technical notes follows the normal course of an article, being evaluated by editorial board and/or external reviewers. They must have up to 6.000 words (including bibliographic references, tables, and notes). 

Critical comments: texts that formulate critical evaluations of manuscripts published by the journal in the last five years, in which research results are debated in a qualified and courteous way, with the sole objective of advancing a given academic debate. Reviews must be strictly academic and stick to the content of the texts. Comments that contain ironies, ad hominem arguments or any other personal disqualification will be summarily rejected, as well as comments focused on only praising the analyzed manuscript. Authors of articles that are eventually the object of a critical comment published in the journal will have the right to a single rejoinder, without the possibility of submitting further reactions. The evaluation of these critical comments will follow the normal procedure of an article, being evaluated by editorial board and/or external reviewers. Critical comments and rejoinders must be up to 6.000 words (including bibliographic references, tables, and notes). 

Submitted articles cannot have been previously published elsewhere, either in whole or in part, in the form of either book chapters or journal papers. Neither can they be simultaneously submitted to other journals. Manuscripts previously published in scientific conference proceedings, preprint platforms, as preliminary versions or working papers, are considered unpublished for these purposes. 

DADOS accepts the submission of manuscripts from different areas in the humanities conditioned upon their content being related to ongoing academic debates in the Social Sciences, particularly with the those in the fields of Political Science, Sociology, and International Relations. 

Submitted manuscripts should necessarily focus on some of the following topics: 1) Democracy, elections, political parties, political institutions; 2) Economy, market, work, development and industry; 3) Social theory and social thought; 4) Political theory and political thought; 5) Inequalities, stratification, social class and education; 6) Collective action, social movements and unions; 7) Public policies, state capacities and management; 8) International relations, comparative politics and foreign policy; 9) Race, gender, migration and social identities; 10) Communication, media and social networks; 11) Culture; 12) City and urban issue; 13) Violence, crime, justice and human rights; 14) Political judicial and bureaucratic elites; 15) Science and Scientometrics 16) Climate, environment and rurality. 

The manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French, however they will only be published in Portuguese, Spanish and English. In the latter case, depending on the article’s content and the final decision of the Editorial Board, the publication can occur simultaneously in Portuguese/Spanish and English. 


Manuscript evaluation policy 

The publication of articles is conditioned to the peer review of members of the journal’s Scientific Committees, of which there are three: an Editorial Board (comprising the editors of the journal and associate editors who convene periodically to take decisions, actively contributing in the editorial process and evaluation); the Scientific Board (constituted by leading experts in their respective fields in Brazil and abroad, whose function is to aid the Editorial Board) and the Consultative Board (comprised of ad hoc reviewers with proven expertise based in Brazil and abroad) which is responsible for aiding the editors in taking decisions concerning the received articles and thereby contributing to assure quality and scientific rigor. 

Submissions go through a threefold evaluation filter. First the editor-in-chief and the secretary evaluate whether texts comply with the journal’s editorial and submission guidelines (below). Second associate editors and members of the editorial board decide whether papers suit the journal’s scope. Denied submissions ensue a letter to authors explaining the reasons why the paper was rejected. Accepted submissions are forwarded to reviewers selected amongst PhDs of renowned expertise in the field. After a double-blind review, the editor-in-chief makes a final decision with the aid of the advisory board and authors are informed by mail. 

The letter containing the editor’s final decision may: i) accept the manuscript for publication either without or with revision requests, in which case authors must address requests and return the revised manuscript; ii) recommend significant revision requests and resubmission; iii) reject it. If authors choose to resubmit the manuscript, editors reserve the right to process a maximum of two reevaluations before making a final decision. 

DADOS seeks to ensure gender and racial diversity in its issues as a way to recognize and help to oppose the gender and race inequalities in science in general and in scientific publications in particular. To this end, we take the authors’ self-reported gender and race as an occasional tiebreaker criterion in our peer review-based decisions.  

Resubmissions must invariably comply with the journal’s guidelines. Besides, authors must provide visual indication of revisions in the text, as well as detailed responses to reviewers in their cover letter. 

The approximate time for a final decision is 2 months for manuscripts rejected in the first phase and 6 months for manuscripts sent to ad hoc reviewers. This time is calculated based on the dates of submission and final decision concerning publication. In order to shorten the time lapse between approval and publication, DADOS will publish some articles ahead of print, at the discretion of its Editor-in-chief. 

Accepted manuscripts are submitted to proofreading for formal and spelling mistakes and returned to authors, who must approve changes. After authors’ approval, texts are forwarded for typesetting and final layout. At this stage authors are no longer allowed to include or change texts, except for extraordinary cases. Editors may also change or edit manuscripts at their own discretion in order to adapt them to the journal’s requirements, always respecting the original content and the style of authors, who shall be consulted. Accepted manuscripts previously published in preprint platforms must include a link to the version published in DADOS. 

The author is responsible for the data (which must always be available for consultation after the publication), analyses and opinions contained in the article. 

The double-blind review system encourages reviewers to evaluate manuscripts having the advancement of scientific knowledge as their sole interest. With the purpose of promoting high-quality scholar debates, DADOS reserves the right to freely share the reviews of a manuscript with other guest reviewers. Reviews may also be published upon editorial board’s interest and authors’ and reviewers’ authorization. All parts involved must inform the editorial team of any potential conflicts of interest which may harm the objectivity and fairness of their deliberation. 

Authors of manuscripts previously published on preprint servers must inform their online location (link, DOI etc.). They will be submitted to a blind review, in which only reviewers are informed of authors’ identities. Manuscripts not previously published on preprint servers, on the other hand, go through a double-blind review, in which neither reviewers nor authors know each other’s identities. A complete list of preprint servers accepted by the journal can be found on 

Dados adopts the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico and of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo. 

There is no fee for submission and evaluation of articles. 


Submissions guidelines 

Manuscripts can only be submitted through the Scholar One Manuscripts platform, available on DADOS website or on DADOS Scielo page provides a link to this platform, which can also be accessed directly at Instructions for submitting manuscripts are provided here and in the online platform. 

In case of multiple authors, the manuscript must be submitted by the first author (or contact author). If the manuscripts is approved, all authors must express endorsement of its content. All authors must submit their Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) registration numbers. When there is more than one author, it should be indicated the specific contributions of each author in building the research and the manuscript. The same author may not submit more than one article, even co-authoring, simultaneously to Dados. The journal accepts submissions with a maximum of five authors. 

To submit a manuscript, at least one of the authors would have a Master’s degree. 

Online submissions must attach two .rtf, .doc or .docx files: 

Charts and tables must be accompanied by the spreadsheets on which they are based, in separate and editable files, indicating units of measurement and sources for each value. Do not include high-resolution images in the main document. They may be attached separately. All charts and tables must have titles and sources. When they are the authors’ work, remember to include sources or databases used for their production. 

We kindly ask authors to refer to the formatting guidelines manual below. Further questions concerning the submissions or evaluation processes must be directed to our institutional e-mail: 

Formatting Guidelines Manual 

This manual aims to facilitate the submission and review processes in DADOS by streamlining the pre-publication processes and ensuring greater formal rigor and better indexing of our articles by different search engines. 

Biographies of Authors 

The authors’ biographies must be written in the same language as the article and accompanied by the names used by the authors in self-citations, according to the following pattern: 

Author’s Name as used in citations 

Main professional positions or titles, name of the institution to which the author is affiliated written in full (acronym of the institution name in parentheses). City, letters identifying the state. Country. Email address. Link to the author’s CV at the ORCID platform. 



Gabriela Spanghero Lotta 

Professor and researcher of Public Administration and Government at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). São Paulo, SP. Brazil. Email: ORCID:   


André Salata  

Professor at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Email: ORCID: 


Viviana Martinovich 

Associate professor at the Instituto de Salud Colectiva, Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Executive editor, scientific journal Salud Colectiva. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Email: ORCID:   


Body Text 

Texts must be sent in the following format: 

Italics should be avoided (unless essential) and reserved for terms or expressions in foreign languages. 

Whenever an institution, governmental body, document etc. that has an acronym is mentioned in the article, its name must be written in full followed by its acronym in parentheses at its first mention. After that, only the acronym should be used in the remainder of the article. 


Titles and subtitles 

Texts should have titles in only three levels, according to the scheme below: 




In-text citation  

In-text citation must include the surname(s) of the author(s) written with the first letter capitalized, and if there are more than one author, use a comma between their surnames, followed by another comma, year of publication, and a colon followed by the pages, as shown below: 

 Self-citation should be avoided as much as possible and used only if essential. Texts with excessive self-citation will be rejected at the desk review stage. When unavoidable, self-citation should follow the pattern (Author, Year:Pages). 

Recurrent references can be replicated or replaced with expressions such as idem or ibidem at the author’s discretion. 

When paraphrasing an idea from another work, the author’s full name may be cited, or only his or her surname, followed by bibliographic information in parentheses: 

When citing multiple works parenthetically, references must be separated by a semicolon, as shown in the examples below: 

For works with more than 3 authors, only the surname of the first author should be included, followed by the expression “et al.” in italics, as shown in the example below: 

Self-citation should be avoided. If essential, it must be cited in the submitted manuscript only with the pattern “(Author, Year:pp)”, in order to identify authorship. The complete reference will appear in the final version. 

All manuscripts submitted to DADOS are checked for plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Any text reproduced from other sources, including those signed by the authors themselves, must be explicitly referenced in the published version of the article. 





Quotations up to three lines are inserted as part of the paragraph between quotation marks. 

Quotations with more than three lines are placed without quotation marks in a free-standing block indented 1cm with one skipped line above and below, with single-spacing between lines, font size 11.  

If authorship is indicated right after the quotation, it should appear within parentheses, after the period in the quotation. Any highlighted word – usually in italics – must be identified as either emphasis from the source or emphasis from the author of the article, after the bibliographic information, as shown in the example: (Author, 2019:101; emphasis in original). 



Endnotes should have a substantive nature, restricted to additional comments to the text. They must be numbered sequentially and placed at the end of the article. Manuscripts totaling more than 700 words in their endnotes will not be accepted. 



The complete list of bibliographical references should be placed at the end of the text, according to the following pattern: 

For academic articles 

Surname of the author with an initial capital, First name of the author in full with an initial capital; Surname of the co-author with an initial capital, if applicable, First name of the co-author in full with an initial capital, if applicable. (Year of publication within parentheses), Article Title within Quotation Marks. Journal Title with all Words in Italics with Initial Capitals, v. [volume], n. [number], pp. [pages].  Available at: DOI or underlined link without a period 


For book chapters 

Surname of the author with an initial capital, First name of the author in full with an initial capital; Surname of the co-author with an initial capital, if applicable, First name of the co-author in full with an initial capital, if applicable. (Year of publication within parentheses), Chapter Title within Quotation Marks”, in: Surname of the editor with an initial capital, First name of the editor in full with an initial capital followed by the abbreviation (ed.), Book Title in Italics with all Words Having an Initial Capital.  Publication City, Publisher Name. Available at: underlined link in case of eBook without a period 


For books 

Surname of the author with an initial capital, First name of the author in full with an initial capital; Surname of the co-author with an initial capital, if applicable, First name of the co-author in full with an initial capital, if applicable. (Year of publication within parentheses), Book Title in Italics with All Words Having an Initial Capital.  Publication City, Publisher Name. Available at: underlined link in case of eBook without a period 


For papers in event proceedings 

Surname of the author with an initial capital, First name of the author in full with an initial capital; Surname of the co-author with an initial capital, if applicable, First name of the co-author in full with an initial capital, if applicable. (Year of the event), Paper Title within Quotation Marks. Title of the Event Proceedings in Italics with All Words Having an Initial Capital. City of the Event, Name of the Host Institution. Available at:  underlined link to paper or event without a period 


News from newspapers, magazines or other electronic documents
Surname of the author with an initial capital, First name of the author in full with an initial capital; Surname of the co-author with an initial capital, if applicable, First name of the co-author in full with an initial capital, if applicable. (Day, month and year of publication of the text in full), “Title within Quotation Marks”. Newspaper title in Italics with All Words Having an Initial Capital. Available at: underlined link. Access on: abbreviated day month. year. 


Author(s) name(s) should be replaced by a long dash in case of references to different works by the same author(s). 



For articles in scholarly journals 

Abers, Rebecca; Serafim, Lizandra; Tatagiba, Luciana. (2014), “Repertórios de Interação Estado-Sociedade em um Estado Heterogêneo: a Experiência na Era Lula”. DADOS, v. 57, n. 2, pp. 325-57. Available at:   

For manuscripts posted on a preprint server 

Bolognesi, Bruno; Ribeiro, Ednaldo; Codato, Adriano. (2021), “A New Ideological Classification of the Brazilian Political Parties”. Preprint, SciELO Preprints. Available at:   

For books 

Lynch, Christian. (2014), Da Monarquia à Oligarquia: História Institucional e Pensamento Político Brasileiro. São Paulo, Alameda. 

For book chapters 

Wagner, Peter. (2015), “Modernity and Critique: Elements of a World Sociology”, in Bringel, Breno; Domingues, José Maurício (eds.), Global Modernity and Social Contestation. London, Sage, pp. 21-35. 

For doctoral dissertations and master’s theses 

Rio, Flávia. (2014), Elite Política Negra no Brasil (1978-2002). Doctoral Dissertation in Sociology, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. 


Graphs, Figures, Tables, and Charts 

Graphs, figures, tables, and charts must always be accompanied by: 


PNAD 1998, IBGE, accessed on 1/9/2020, available at: 

Research “A Percepção das Elites sobre as Desigualdades”, NIED, accessed on 4/8/2006, available at: 

Created by the author(s), based on Santos (1985). 

Created by the author(s) based on data collected by the author(s). 



All charts and tables must be submitted in an editable format (vector enabled) in a separate file, preferably in *.xls or *.xlsx (or equivalent) formats. 

Graphs should only provide essential information so they can be interpreted; they must be submitted in the cleanest version possible, in compliance with the following requirements: 



Abstracts must be one paragraph long with up to 150 words, written in at least two languages, and clearly state: 




The Top Tier in Income Distribution in Brazil: First Estimates with Tax Data, and a Comparison with Household Surveys (2006-2012) 

Medeiros, Marcelo; Souza, Pedro; Castro, Fábio 

This article presents the first estimation of income concentration among the richest people in Brazil, calculated based on the Personal Income Tax returns for 2006 to 2012. The main measures of inequality are the total income shares appropriated by the richest 0.1%, 1%, and 5%. The results are tested and compared with those of Brazilian household surveys. The article concludes that tax data reveal a substantially higher income concentration at the top tier compared to other data sources and that such concentration, in general terms, remains stable in the period under study. 



The Political Rise of Pentecostals in Brazil according to the Evaluation of Religious Leaders 

Machado, Maria das Dores; Burity, Joanildo 

This article analyzes the Pentecostal leaders’ perceptions of Brazilian politics and the actions of legislators of this confessional group in the last three decades. After briefly presenting the country’s main political and cultural transformations since redemocratization, we examine the opinions of these leaders on the importance of politics in the contemporary context and investigate how religious groups interact with the political sphere. Next, we discuss these leaders’ evaluations of Pentecostals’ parliamentary behavior. In the conclusion, we argue that although there are different conceptions of politics, the minimalist view of political participation prevails. We also suggest that it is hegemonic the idea that this religious group, as any minority, must occupy instances of power to influence the ordering of society. 



“Tax is Theft!” The Formation of an Ultraliberal Contrapublic and the Pro-Impeachment Protests against Dilma Rousseff 

Rocha, Camila 

The purpose of this article is to point out the role played by the ultraliberal counterpublic in calling and leading the first protests in favor of impeaching Dilma Rousseff. To this end, I sought to point out why it is pertinent to use the concept of counterpublic to characterize the dynamics among members of groups and spaces of debate related to ultraliberalism. Using empirical data triangulation, this study conducted a historical reconstruction and demonstrated, based on in-depth interviews with activists, the existence of an ultraliberal counterpublic. The conclusion is that, by meeting in advance on the internet, this group began to shape an ultraliberal counterpublic based on the existence of a collective identity shared by its members. The continuity and institutionalization of such a counterpublic were facilitated by the organizational and financial support received from a pre-existing network of liberal think tanks in the country, enabling its members to call for and lead the first pro-impeachment protests of 2014. This was due to changes in the political opportunity structure related to the June 2013 uprisings and the re-election of Dilma Rousseff in 2014. 




Each manuscript must be accompanied by five keywords in all languages in which the abstract was written, in lowercase letters (except for proper nouns and acronyms), and separated by a semicolon (;), without a period. 

To improve the indexing of articles and, consequently, to increase discoverability, DADOS works with a controlled vocabulary of keywords, based on the most common terms and regular expressions used in its previous issues, available in our submission form. It is recommended to use at least three of the five keywords from this index. 




Palavras-chave: inserção econômica internacional; investimento estrangeiro direto; tratados de livre comércio; reprimarização; Colômbia 

Keywords: international economic insertion; foreign direct investment; free trade agreements; reprimarization; Colombia 

Editorial norms for the presentation of databases 

Approved manuscripts based on quantitative and qualitative data which can be made available to the general public must be accompanied by their respective consolidated databases. 

Public access to databases owned by third parties may be enabled by links to original files. 

Microdata about human subjects must be completely anonymous so as to protect sensitive classified information. 

Authors who use quantitative databases must: 

Send code dictionaries (scripts, algorithms etc.) if available, along with a detailed description of variables, and the file containing complete replication codes for charts, tables and analyses. 

Inform the steps of data processing used for the aggregation or modification of original databases (if applicable). 

Supply databases and codes in formats accessible and replicable in at least one of the most commonly used statistical programs, such as R, Python, SPSS, Stata and Excel. 

Provide extensive, clear and objective comments to replication codes. 

Enable access to databases and codes through the journal’s page on the Dataverse website ( or another similar platform. 

In order to allow replication, authors who do not use statistical software which enables replication through codes must describe the development of analyses step-by-step. 

Manuscripts based on surveys must also supply the questionnaire used for data collection. 

For qualitative databases, the following recommendations apply: 

If your article is based on in-depth interviews, you should provide their full transcription, except when information is classified or may break with interviewees’ necessary anonymity. 

If your paper is based on scanned historical documents, provide scanned files in readable resolution, duly identified or accompanied by links to their virtual sources. 

If your paper is based on the analysis of texts and/or digital documents, provide scanned files in readable resolution, duly identified or accompanied by links to their virtual sources. 

Authors must present each and every additional material which they deem relevant for the article’s replication. 

Authors who fail to meet any of these requirements must provide reasonable justification, to be evaluated by the editors. 

We encourage authors who may have previously published in DADOS to publish their databases.