
Dados vol. 35 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro 1992

Orientações Econômicas Governamentais: As Perspectivas do Período Democrático-Populista

Carvalho, Maria Izabel Valladão de


Studies of government proposals during the democratic-populist period of modem Brazilian history have focues either on the gap between rhetoric and practice or have considered same as conditioners of effective policies. This article considers that this relationship may be complex, involving actual projects and mobilization elements at the same time. The economic guidelines inherent in presidential speeches have been investigated and five different focuses with respect to the nation's evolution have been identified: neo-liberal, nationalist-developmentalistic, developmentalistic, reformist-developmentalistic and nationalist-reformist.

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Orientações Econômicas Governamentais: As Perspectivas do Período Democrático-Populista