
Dados vol. 31 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro 1988

A Inteligência Brasileira à Luz da Sociologia Profética de Guerreiro Ramos

Oliveira, Lúcia Lippi


Guerreiro Ramos' classifications of the Brazilian intelligentzia are described and discussed. In his text "A Ideologia da Ordem", Guerreiro Ramos speaks of "integristas" and the "jeunesse dorée", streams which are characterized by their belief in the nation's moral bankruptcy and in a proposal that it be saved by the elites. Guerreiro Ramos contrasts these streams with other authors who have constructed a "valid' knowledge of Brazilian reality. These 1961 analyses by Guerreiro Ramos are compared with an 1980 text in which he returns to this theme, reclassifying Brazilian intellectuals according to their relationship to the power structure and their stances as far as cosmopolitan culture. Two fundamental aspects of Guerreiro Ramos' works are highlighted. The first is his thesis that social science has always existed in Brazil and it does not make sense to brand the thought of past generations as pre-scientific or ideological. The second involves the pertinence of the question of "sociological reduction" and the need to overcome the institutional and university molds in which social science finds itself. Forming a theory of Brazilian society and saving the nation or re-inventing it are nuances of the basic question guiding the prophetic sociology of Guerreiro Ramos as found in the texts under analysis.

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A Inteligência Brasileira à Luz da Sociologia Profética de Guerreiro Ramos