
Dados n. 14 Rio de Janeiro 1977

Mudança Política e Processo Decisório: Anánse da Política Orçamentária Brasileira

Lima Junior, Olavo Brasil de


Following a theoretical discussion of the analytical approach to public policies and the decision-making process, the author addresses himself to two basic questions: 1) possible changes in the relations between Brazil's Executive and Legislative powers after the military takeover of 1964; 2) differences found in the preferences of these two branches of government, as regards the allocation of public resources, when comparing their behavior before and after 1964. The data used in this study were supplied by the national budgets and balances for the years 1950-1975 and, therefore, involve the federal direct administration, while taking the ministries and groups of ministries as analytical units. The author initially uses the incremental approach ta show, first, that the evolution of public expenditures in Brazil implies setting priorities (i.e. preferences) for the allocation of public resources and, secondly, that in this respect the Executive and Legislative branches of government differ from each other and over time. lncrementalism is also reviewed in the article. The author further suggests that an analysis of the decision-making process, which in this case results in the preparation of the nation's budgets, could be profitably applied to a discussion of some of the main features of Brazil's current political system, namely, a reduced political arena, a diminished flow of information and the centralization of decision-making power in the hands of the Executive.

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Mudança Política e Processo Decisório: Anánse da Política Orçamentária Brasileira