
Dados vol. 58 n. 4 Rio de Janeiro out./dez. 2015

Valores para mi País: Evangelicals in the Argentinian Political Sphere (2008-2011)

Carbonelli, Marcos


ABSTRACT This article analyzes the actions of the evangelical party “Valores para mi País” in the Argentinian political sphere between 2008 to 2011. The main focus is to examine its project of establishing itself in a space in which multiple confessions are represented. Several methodological sources were employed (interviews, analysis of party documents, ethnographies of meetings and marches) in order to reconstruct their political initiatives, their alliances and antagonisms, their participation in public controversies and their performance in the electoral arena. Although this political formation presents significant innovations compared to predecessors, we will also point out the reasons for its failure, due to tactical errors and the reality of party identities in Argentina.

Keywords: evangelicals, politics, Argentina, values, representation

DOI: 10.1590/00115258201564

Full text

Valores para mi País: Evangelicals in the Argentinian Political Sphere (2008-2011)