
Dados vol. 57 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro abr./jun. 2014

Repertoires of state-society interaction in a heterogeneous state: the Lula Era experience

Abers, Rebecca - Serafim, Lizandra - Tatagiba, Luciana


This article examines the combination of interaction routines of the State with social movements in the designing of public policy during the Lula government in three sectors: rural development, urban policy and public security. The central argument is that in a context characterized by unprecedented permeability of the State, social movements and State actors created a historical pattern of State-society interaction. Under the motto 'participation of civil society', social movements and state actors resorted to a repertoire of diversified interaction, which included institutional participations, protests, occupying posts in the pubic bureaucracy and personal relationships, with varying emphases depending on past patterns of State-society interactions in each sector.

Keywords: repertoires of interaction, social movements, participation, Lula government, public policy

DOI: 10.1590/0011-5258201411

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Repertoires of state-society interaction in a heterogeneous state: the Lula Era experience