
Dados vol. 55 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro 2012

The economic performance of Rio de Janeiro: background and prospects

Hasenclever, Lia - Paranhos, Julia - Torres, Ricardo


The article analyzes the structural and contextual dynamics of the Rio de Janeiro State economy from 1996 to 2009 in order to verify whether recent investments will be capable of turning such dynamics into a new virtuous investment cycle. The State's economy was compared to those of Brazil as a whole and São Paulo State. The main finding was that the State of Rio de Janeiro underwent an extensive restructuring of its economy and made a major contribution to Brazil's national wealth. Less dynamic activities (in terms of economic results) gained ground, like the extractive industries, services to families, and retail commerce. However, the State has still failed to glimpse a new economic vocation.

Keywords: economic performance, structural change, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582012000300004

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The economic performance of Rio de Janeiro: background and prospects