
Dados vol. 55 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 2012

Assimilation resignified: new interpretations of an old concept

Truzzi, Oswaldo


This article proposes an interpretation of the ways by which the term assimilation was used in Brazil in three different periods. It also presents a reconceptualization of the term based on Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration, by Richard Alba and Victor Nee, published originally in 2003. The argument is that the new formulation proposed by these authors can contribute to a more precise understanding of the different trajectories in the incorporation of foreign immigrant groups in Brazilian society in the past and present.

Keywords: assimilation, immigration, national formation, cultural change, ethnicity, pluralism

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582012000200008

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Assimilation resignified: new interpretations of an old concept