
Dados vol. 54 n. 4 Rio de Janeiro 2011

What changes with expansion of the wage base (and how can the Sociological debate help understand it)?

Guimarães, Nadya Araujo


Since the second half of the 2000s, Brazil has witnessed a systematic recovery of formal employment, including an important increase in a special form of job relationship, namely indirect employment. This has led to both the expansion of a new management approach to job recruitment and hiring, plus the consolidation of a burgeoning business segment, with new links between client companies and job agencies. Empirical evidence is used in an in-depth analysis of the situation in São Paulo, Brazil's largest market for both formal jobs and work positions through agencies, drawing on data from the RAIS-Migra and PAEP/SP surveys.

Keywords: work market, job agencies, São Paulo, Brazil

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582011000400002

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What changes with expansion of the wage base (and how can the Sociological debate help understand it)?