
Dados vol. 52 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro 2009

Enforcement styles and public policy outcomes: labor inspectors and compliance with labor regulations in Brazil

Pires, Roberto Rocha C.


The article argues that variations in the outcomes of the same public policy can be explained by different practices and enforcement styles adopted by front-line bureaucrats. Based on extensive field research on the enforcement of labor legislation in Brazil, the author develops a typology of the outcomes of labor inspection in terms of levels of compliance with labor regulations in different economic activities. Findings from comparative analysis (across and within cases) indicate consistent associations between the enforcement style adopted by labor inspectors that combines sanctions with technical and/or legal assistance, and the reconciliation of labor rights with increased company performance and competitiveness.

Keywords: policy enforcement, bureaucracy, labor regulations

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582009000300006

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Enforcement styles and public policy outcomes: labor inspectors and compliance with labor regulations in Brazil