
Dados vol. 48 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro abr./jun. 2005

The impact of internationalization with a focus on technological innovation and brazilian companies' exports

Arbix, Glauco - Salerno, Mario Sergio - De Negri, João Alberto


Based on an unprecedented link between the principal official databases on Brazilian industry - the Industrial Survey on Technological Innovation (Pintec) and the Annual Industrial Survey (PIA) of the National Census Bureau (IBGE), the foreign trade database of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade - Mdic, and the Annual Report on Social Data of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (RAIS/MTE) - this study showed that the companies that use their offices abroad as a source of information for technological innovation show superior performance to the rest: they are larger, import and export more, pay higher salaries, employ workers with more education, and spend relatively more on training activities. The probability of a company exporting increases by 16% when it invests in technological innovation. These results indicate the need to reflect on public policies to support innovation and internationalization in Brazilian companies.

Keywords: technological innovation, Brazilian companies' exports, internationalization in Brazilian companies

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582005000200006

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The impact of internationalization with a focus on technological innovation and brazilian companies' exports