Dados is one of the most widely-read social sciences journals in Latin America. Created in 1966, it publishes innovative works, originating from academic research, by Brazilian and foreign authors. Edited by IESP-UERJ, it aims to reconcile scientific rigor and academic excellence with an emphasis on public debate based on the analysis of substantive issues of society and politics.
Dados vol. 41 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 1998
Based on 17 months of field research in São Paulo (1993-94), this paper examines how middle-class adults in 42 surveyed households verbalized their class identity during the inflation crisis. It concludes that consumption (goods and practices) are foundational to their class definitions, both in relation to other major classes and to other middle-class sectors.
Keywords: consumption, class, middle-class
DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52581998000200005
Auto-Retratos da Classe Média: Hierarquias de "Cultura" e Consumo em São Paulo