
Dados vol. 40 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 1997

Resultados Experimentais, Problemas Conceituais e Progresso Científico

Freitas, Renan Springer de


If we affirm that scientific knowledge advances, we are implying there is some degree of continuity between given experimental results and given solutions to conceptual problems. This raises two questions: how does such continuity come about, and under what circumstances does scientific progress depend upon experimental results and/or the solution of conceptual problems? In an effort to respond to these questions, the article examines how certain piecemeal conceptual schemes find their way into certain theoretical frameworks, prompting changes in these. Recent advances in the area of artificial intelligence applied to medicine serve as an empirical basis for the discussion.

Keywords: scientific progress, research traditions, artificial intelligence

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52581997000200005

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Resultados Experimentais, Problemas Conceituais e Progresso Científico