Dados is one of the most widely-read social sciences journals in Latin America. Created in 1966, it publishes innovative works, originating from academic research, by Brazilian and foreign authors. Edited by IESP-UERJ, it aims to reconcile scientific rigor and academic excellence with an emphasis on public debate based on the analysis of substantive issues of society and politics.
Dados n. 15 Rio de Janeiro 1977
This paper presents a historical reconstruction of the development of a rational and legal bureaucratic order in 19th century Brazil by examining the interaction between the central bureaucracy's mandarins and the provincial honoratiores in charge of local government functions. Through an analysis of the official correspondence of two generations of public servants, the author attempts to identify the latter's typical system of action, as well as the dialectic relationship between traditional and patrimonial norms, on the one hand, and rational bureaucratic prescriptions, on the other. The synthesis of this interaction is a state struggling toward increased bureaucratization and away from patrimonialization. ln this struggle, however, the patrimonial structures operate as a rationalizing force, while bureaucratic agencies cling to the old administrative orientation based on particularism and discretion. ln studying the tensions between these opposed patterns and asumming the bureaucratization of the State's administrative structure, the author attempts to identify the dynamics of the institutionalization of new administrative canons, as well as the new administrative consciousness emerging from this process.
O Estado Brasileiro Moderno: das Máximas Patrimoniais aos Princípios Burocráticos