
Dados vol. 62 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 2019-09-09 2019

Educational Delay in Numbers: Expenses and Enrollment in Primary Education in São Paulo, 1880-1920

Colistete, Renato Perim


ABSTRACT This article analyzes the educational performance of São Paulo in a key period of the economic and social transformations that occurred in Brazil following the boom in coffee exports in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Still below the national average in 1870, the state of São Paulo reached in the following decades one of the highest enrollment rates and became one of the leaders of primary education in Brazil as early as 1920. The paper presents new series of expenses and enrollments which, combined with indicators that measure the fiscal effort carried out in different periods, bring to light little-known facts about the primary schools of São Paulo between 1880 and 1920. First of all, access to primary education - in São Paulo and Brazil - remained extremely restricted and unequal, little differing from the situation of backwardness in relation to international indicators in the mid-nineteenth century. Secondly, the exceptional growth of private wealth and tax revenues in São Paulo wasn´t accompanied by expenditures on primary education. The discrepancy between the growth rates of public revenues and expenditures on primary education led to a surprising result: in the first decades of the Republic in São Paulo, the fiscal effort for primary education fell to half of what was current during the last 10 years of the Empire.

Keywords: primary education, inequality, São Paulo

DOI: 10.1590/001152582019182

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Educational Delay in Numbers: Expenses and Enrollment in Primary Education in São Paulo, 1880-1920