
Dados n. 13 Rio de Janeiro 1976

A Intervenção do Estado no Domínio Econômico: O Caso da Coordenação da Mobilização Econômica

Correia, Algenyr dos Santos; Nogueira, Rosa Maria Esteves


The article identifies two closely related trends in Brazil's political and economic history which have been gaining added strength since the 1930's. The first trend involves the concentration of all national policy decisions ln the Central Power, i. e. the Federal Executive. The second one refers to an increasing intervention on the part of the State in the country's economic life both in terms of economic decision- making and as concerns direct state control over vital sectors of the economy. The authors analyze the intensification of these two trends in the New State (1937-1945), specifically during world War II, through the study of an agency created during this period - the Economic Mobilization Coordinating Body. The authors conclude that this agency is apparently the State's first step toward overall centralization and control of economic decisions, as well as the first administrative body to reflect the existence of the two trends above.

Full text

A Intervenção do Estado no Domínio Econômico: O Caso da Coordenação da Mobilização Econômica