
Dados vol. 62 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro 2019-06-10 2019

Institutional Remodeling of the Support Structures for Commercial Promotion in Brazil

Figueira, Ariane


ABSTRACT The goal of this article is to understand how Brazilian public administration has been responding, from the point of view of institutional and decision-making arrangements, to the growing demands in the area of commercial promotion. In order to achieve this goal, we have chosen the case study method, which provides an in-depth and longitudinal view of the process. The sources of the research are of primary and secondary nature, and the data were treated using triangulation and content analysis techniques. The results showed that the history of the organizational and decision-making process of Brazilian commercial promotion was marked by three phases: the first, in which the area was constituted and consolidated, within Itamaraty´s organizational structure, the second, characterized by the loss of space in the centrality of the formulation and decision of this policy, resulting in a fragmentation and dispersion of responsibilities, and the third, where there is a growing building of formal spaces of interbureaucratic dialogue, as well as with the business sector.

Keywords: foreign policy, commercial promotion, institutional arrangements, decision-making process, public administration

DOI: 10.1590/001152582019174

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Institutional Remodeling of the Support Structures for Commercial Promotion in Brazil