
Dados vol. 61 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro jul./set. 2018

Spatial Distribution of the Performance of the Bolsa Família Program: a Study using the IGD-M

Araújo, Fábio Resende de - Araújo, Maria Arlete Duarte de - Souza, Fábia Jaiany Viana de - Gurgel, Iris Linhares Pimenta - Gomes, Anna Cecília Chaves


ABSTRACT The article analyzes the determinants of the spatial distribution of the“Programa Bolsa Família” (PBF) performance using the Decentralized Management Index (IGD-M) for Brazilian municipalities. As a methodological procedure, the IGD-M was defined as the dependent variable and the independent variables were some determinants of PBF management at the municipal level (territorial area in Km2, percentage of urban population, density of families per km2, number of families per unit of Health Program Family Center, Social Assistance Reference Center, and Elementary School). The results run in favor of the hypotheses that the performance of the program is inversely proportional to the size of municipalities, percentage of urbanization and concentration of beneficiary families per km2. Also, the lack of coverage and basic services for citizenship in the areas of Social Assistance, Education and Health imply a lower performance of the conditionalities of the program. According to a multiple regression model estimated to explain the performance of the IGD in the Brazilian municipalities, the most important explanatory variables are: territorial area in Km2, percentage of urban population and density of families per km2. We conclude that the partial reach of these procedures for the poorest part of the Brazilian population is revealing of the level of reach and decentralization that the main Brazilian social policies have in the municipal governments.

Keywords: Policy Decentralization, Policy Implementation, Family Grant Program (programa bolsa família, Social Policies, Local Governments

DOI: 10.1590/001152582018159

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Spatial Distribution of the Performance of the Bolsa Família Program: a Study using the IGD-M