
Dados vol. 59 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro abr./jun. 2016

A Three-way Relationship: The Political and Sociological Role of the Third Party in the Treatment of Conflicts

Spengler, Fabiana Marion


ABSTRACT The present article aims to discuss the political and sociological role of the “third party” (included and excluded) in the administration, management, treatment and resolution of conflict, based on, especially, the theories of Carl Schmitt (political role) and Georg Simmel (sociological role). The analysis then turns to the need of the “third party” in the construction of a political “pluriverse” that escaped from the universalist and binary duality in which current social conflicts are involved. In order to fulfill this task the article employed the hermeneutical approach in which categories considered fundamental (such as social conflict and the development of the “third party” in the treatment of such conflicts) in order to just then tackle the problem itself. Comparison was employed as a procedural method and the technique employed was bibliographical research based on indirect documentation, which served as the theoretical foundation of the study.

Keywords: conflict, third party, political and sociological role, judge, mediator

DOI: 10.1590/00115258201686

Full text

A Three-way Relationship: The Political and Sociological Role of the Third Party in the Treatment of Conflicts