
Dados vol. 59 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro abr./jun. 2016

Future Market: The Political Economy of the New Partisanship in the Brazilian Press

Lattman-Weltman, Fernando - Chagas, Viktor


ABSTRACT This article proposes a theoretical and methodological exercise regarding the political scenario of newspapers in Brazil and their insertion in different market systems, namely, the information market, the advertising market and the public discursive market. Taking these systems into account, and with data collected from several sources, it seeks to interpret the current editorial and political partisan trends in the sector, in the context of the economic, technological and institutional constraints that the current political conjuncture has created. In this sense, it emphasizes how, within this process, the recent partisanship of public opinion-shaping media in Brazil can be understood from the prism of an effort to foster their readership’s loyalty, entailing immediate political impacts, but with still nebulous market implications in the near future.

Keywords: political communication, written press, market communication, media and partisanship, political conjuncture

DOI: 10.1590/00115258201679

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Future Market: The Political Economy of the New Partisanship in the Brazilian Press