
Dados vol. 58 n. 4 Rio de Janeiro out./dez. 2015

Organizing Disorder: Raízes do Brasil in 1936

Feldman, Luiz


ABSTRACT This article seeks to reconstruct the political dilemma faced by Sergio Buarque de Holanda in the first edition of his work Raízes do Brasil. It argues that in the construction of the arguments contained in his debut, the author dialogued intellectually with two important Brazilian thinkers, Oliveira Vianna and Gilberto Freyre. The engagement with the works of these authors helped Sérgio Buarque delineate the negative and positive aspect of the type of sociability passed down from Brazil’s colonial past – “cordiality” – and to diagnose the incompatibility between political doctrines and national reality, and also seeking how to overcome this disjunction. The idea of “organizing disorder” reflects the difficulty in founding a respectable state in a society engrained with anarchical elements without repressing the traditional cultural substrate of its population.

Keywords: Raízes do Brasil, Sergio Buarque de Holanda, Oliveira Vianna, Gilberto Freyre, cordiality

DOI: 10.1590/00115258201568

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Organizing Disorder: Raízes do Brasil in 1936