Dados é uma das principais e mais longevas publicações nas ciências sociais no Brasil. Criada em 1966, divulga trabalhos inéditos e inovadores, oriundos de pesquisa acadêmica, de autores brasileiros e estrangeiros. Editada pelo IESP-UERJ, é seu objetivo conciliar o rigor científico e a excelência acadêmica com ênfase no debate público a partir da análise de questões substantivas da sociedade e da política.
Dados vol. 57 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro jan./mar. 2014
This article deals with the controversial reception of Max Weber during the early decades of institutionalization of sociology in Brazil, arguing that the German scholar's ideas were grasped on the basis of Brazilian sociology's own issues. This perspective suggests that central propositions of Weberian sociology such as the formulation of ideal types and the meaning of science were received reservedly in Brazil and reworked to the extent that he was read together with other authors. The point of departure was to revisit articles from Sociologia journal, followed by a focus on the valorization of propositions by Hans Freyer and Karl Mannheim as opposed to Max Weber's positions on the sociologist's role, concluding with an approach to the controversy on ideal types, led by Maria Sylvia de Carvalho Franco, which involves writings by Florestan Fernandes and Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
Palavras-chave: reception of Max Weber; Brazilian sociology; Weberian ideal types.
DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582014000100001
A Recepção Controversa de Max Weber no Brasil (1940-1980)