Dados é uma das principais e mais longevas publicações nas ciências sociais no Brasil. Criada em 1966, divulga trabalhos inéditos e inovadores, oriundos de pesquisa acadêmica, de autores brasileiros e estrangeiros. Editada pelo IESP-UERJ, é seu objetivo conciliar o rigor científico e a excelência acadêmica com ênfase no debate público a partir da análise de questões substantivas da sociedade e da política.
Dados vol. 57 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro jan./mar. 2014
After decades of intensive work in the exegesis of Weber's work, research on this author in Germany led to the characterization of his work on the theme of rationalization. Based on this assumption, a more recent generation of researchers has attempted to formulate a proposal for updating Weberian theory, contrasting it with the principal problems in contemporary sociological analysis. What are the characteristics of this "Weberian paradigm" and how should it be evaluated in light of the contemporary theoretical agenda? Based on these questions, the article examines how the Weberian research program fits into the dispute over the link between agency (micro level) and structure (macro level) in social theory. The second topic of analysis deals with the theory of modernity and evaluates the attempt by its interpreters to unfold Weberian studies from the genesis to the diversification of modernity (multiple modernities).
Palavras-chave: Max Weber; methodological holism; methodological individualism; multiple modernities; Weberian paradigm.
DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582014000100002
Weber no Século XXI: Desafios e Dilemas de um Paradigma Weberiano