
Dados vol. 38 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 1995

O Ator e os Fatos: A Revolução Passiva e o Americanismo em Gramsci

Vianna, Luiz Werneck


Addressing itself to Gramsci's works, this essay explores the nature of relations between the categories passive revolution and Americanism, analytical views which in the development of Gramscian thought actually cast facts as more important protagonists than the actor. It is argued that the interpretation of the first process of passive revolution studied by Gramsci - inaugurated by the historical watershed of 1789 and culminating when the bourgeoisie achieved full political power, with the restoration of Luiz XVIII to the throne - should be understood as paradigmatic in evaluating the second process - initiated by the Russian Revolution in 1917 and then gaining form with Americanism. While the text recognizes that, in Gramsci, Americanism displays elements which liken it to be Italian Risorgimento's "Hegelianism of moderates", it points up the new possibilities that Americanism opens for the actor who desires to arrive at a new synthesis not through catastrophic ruptures but rather through a movement of molecular accumulation that creates a new state life "from the botton", within the realm of sociability itself.

Texto completo

O Ator e os Fatos: A Revolução Passiva e o Americanismo em Gramsci