
Dados vol. 27 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 1984

Prostitutas, Cafetinas e Policiais: A Dialética das Ordens Opostas

Freitas, Renan Springer de


This paper analyzes the negotiation of order through the study of the patterns of interaction established between prostitutes, procuresses, and policemen. The principal analytic categories are street soliciting and whorehouse visits. It is argued that prostitutes that solicit clients in the streets negotiate an order with the police on their role as decoys to attract criminals. These prostitutes also accept as legitimate the unwarranted arrests to which they are subjected. On the other hand, whorehouse prostitutes and procuresses base their negotiation with policemen on their role as informants and the strict observance of prescribed morality. They are also able to negotiate an identity which does not include the legal sanction implied by their condition. The paper is based on in-depth interviews with prostitutes, procuresses, and policemen in the city of Belo Horizonte.

Texto completo

Prostitutas, Cafetinas e Policiais: A Dialética das Ordens Opostas