
Dados vol. 53 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro 2010

A inversão do cotidiano: práticas sociais e rupturas na vida urbana contemporânea

Leite, Rogerio Proença


This article focuses on key approaches from social theory to analyze routine everyday life in order to affirm that certain frequent breaks occurring in the interstices of public life do not place the notion of daily existence at jeopardy - although they challenge it; on the contrary, they guarantee certain dynamics that are necessary for the social practices that spawn challenge and change. With an emphasis on Michel de Certeau's Theory of Practices, the article discusses the practices that challenge the disciplinary spaces through either daily tactics or counter-uses, with a view towards understanding the dynamic processes of everyday life in contemporary urban culture.

Palabras-clave: everyday life; social tactics; Michel de Certeau.

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582010000300007

Texto completo

A inversão do cotidiano: práticas sociais e rupturas na vida urbana contemporânea