Dados es una de las principales publicaciones de ciencias sociales en América Latina. Creada en 1966, publica trabajos inéditos e innovadores, procedentes de investigaciones académicas, de autores brasileños y extranjeros. Editada por IESP-UERJ, tiene como objetivo conciliar el rigor científico y la excelencia académica con un énfasis en el debate público basado en el análisis de temas sustantivos en la sociedad y la política.
Dados vol. 50 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro 2007
The purpose of the article is to measure, in the light of the Brazilian experience, the influence of the micro institutions regulating the Executive's governmental capacity in Argentine. The empirical basis informing the argumentation is the processing of the statutes approved by the Argentinean Legislative between 1983 and 1998. The empirical evidences showed that the proposed bills originated from the Executive do not have a special course in the Legislative, what reduces their chances of approval even in a context of disciplined parties, contrary to the expected by a substantial part of the compared literature in the area.
Palabras-clave: decision process; compared political institutions; urgency mechanism.
DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582007000300005
O impacto dos mecanismos de urgência no sucesso presidencial: uma análise do caso argentino à luz da experiência brasileira