
Dados vol. 50 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 2007

Os efeitos da migração interpartidária na conduta parlamentar

Roma, Celso


The objectives of this article were to compare the performance of members of Congress who remain loyal to their original party versus those who desert, in terms of party cohesion and discipline, as well as to measure the effects of changing parties on the migrants' conduct and ideas. The study uses data from records on party changes, roll call votes, and opinion polls. Based on these data, regardless of whether members of Congress had switched parties or not, they showed a high degree of partisanship. In addition, most party deserters adhered to the ideas and voting patterns of their new party. Compared to the Brazilian case, political party migration in the United States differs as to frequency, motives, and impact.

Palabras-clave: migration; political party; Chamber of Deputies.

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582007000200005

Texto completo

Os efeitos da migração interpartidária na conduta parlamentar