
Dados vol. 47 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro 2004

Partidos políticos, preferência partidária e decisão eleitoral no Brasil (1989/2002)

Carreirão, Yan de Souza - Kinzo, Maria D'Alva G.


This study analyzes the party preferences of Brazilian voters from 1989 to 2002 and some data on party rejection, relating these manifestations to voters’ decisions. There is a non-negligible share of voters who vote according to their party preferences, as well as a significant contingent of voters who express rejection of some party and do not vote for any of its candidates. The conclusions point to the need to reformulate the way Brazilian voters’ party inclinations are measured, including party rejection as a component of this measurement.

Palabras-clave: electoral behavior; party identification; party rejection.

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582004000100004

Texto completo

Partidos políticos, preferência partidária e decisão eleitoral no Brasil (1989/2002)