
Dados n. 8 Rio de Janeiro 1971

Formação do Empresário Financeiro no Brasil

Hasenbalg, Carlos; Brigagão, Clóvis


The present article intends to analyse bankers' social origins as well as their recruitment sources, and mobility and internal differentiation patterns. To this end, we focused upon empiricaJ data taken from a survey carried on with a 98 bankers sample during 1963 and 1969, resorting also to historical information about the structural processes of the group formation. The discussion centers around the historical data leading to the idea of a relative absence of relationships between bankers and the "frente" classista clustered around the export system. This can be noted when one considers the group social origins, its vinculations, and economic interests. Another relevant point refers to the bankers social differences as to the other entrepreneurial sectors, mainly as to the industrial one, considered by the sociological literature as the most important dynamical agent of the Brazilian urban-industrial society formation process. One can notice that, on the one hand, bankers and industrials present some convergent lines in their recruitment process while on the other hand difference concerning the social prestige of the family groups appear. These differences reveal that bankers interact more with the state apparatus than the industrials do, mainly in the centres of formulation and execution of economic policies. In addition, the bankers seem to be more economically homogeneous. In another words, the bankers, in the period of the internal market expansion, demonstrated more political articulation, more productive and "realistic" behavior from the point of view of the defense of their especific interest.

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Formação do Empresário Financeiro no Brasil