Dados es una de las principales publicaciones de ciencias sociales en América Latina. Creada en 1966, publica trabajos inéditos e innovadores, procedentes de investigaciones académicas, de autores brasileños y extranjeros. Editada por IESP-UERJ, tiene como objetivo conciliar el rigor científico y la excelencia académica con un énfasis en el debate público basado en el análisis de temas sustantivos en la sociedad y la política.
Dados vol. 43 n. 4 Rio de Janeiro 2000
This article analyzes the limits of sociology in understanding recent transformations in modernity. Of particular interest are the epistemological difficulties found at the theoretical roots of sociology in dealing with the tasks arising from the biotechnological revolution currently under way and its eugenic impacts on future society. The papers argument is that the main task is an interdisciplinary review of relations between the concept of human nature and prevailing social and political values. In order to better comprehend the radical challenge of modernity in the 21st century vis-à-vis classical modernitys values, two heuristic figures are presented: the dilemma of technical modernity and the contradiction of sociology.
Palabras-clave: social theory; modernity; human nature; eugenics.
DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582000000400005
A tristeza de ser sociólogo no século XXI