Dados es una de las principales publicaciones de ciencias sociales en América Latina. Creada en 1966, publica trabajos inéditos e innovadores, procedentes de investigaciones académicas, de autores brasileños y extranjeros. Editada por IESP-UERJ, tiene como objetivo conciliar el rigor científico y la excelencia académica con un énfasis en el debate público basado en el análisis de temas sustantivos en la sociedad y la política.
Dados vol. 38 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro 1995
With rare exceptions, sociology - and the social sciences in general - have concentrated on the poles of individual and society (or system, structure, culture). The question of collective subjectivity has not received due attention, particularly in the contemporary theoretical syntheses of such authors as Giddens, Bourdieu, Habermas, and Alexander. On those few occasions when this question has merited due attention, especially in Marx and Parsons, the idea of a centered subject - that is, a subject compactly structured and transparent to itself, framed within the notion of individual subjectivity established by the Enlightenment - has produced only limited, unilateral reflections. Positing collective subjectivity as variably (de)centered, my proposal introduces concepts such as properties of social systems, interaction, unintentional consequences of action, collective causality, and levels of centeredness. This innovative approach to the theme places special emphasis on the movement that collectivities introduce into social life.
Cidadania: Por Que Não? Estado e Sociedade no Brasil à Luz de um Discurso Religioso Afro-Brasileiro