Dados es una de las principales publicaciones de ciencias sociales en América Latina. Creada en 1966, publica trabajos inéditos e innovadores, procedentes de investigaciones académicas, de autores brasileños y extranjeros. Editada por IESP-UERJ, tiene como objetivo conciliar el rigor científico y la excelencia académica con un énfasis en el debate público basado en el análisis de temas sustantivos en la sociedad y la política.
Dados vol. 38 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro 1995
The economic stability provided by the Real Plan ended up giving unexpected density to the 1994 election campaign in Brazil, allowing room for various alternatives in the Presidential race. Fernando Henrique Cardoso's victory in the first round brought on stage a proposal for a new regime in Brazil, based on the premise that the mechanisms and dynamics from the regime inaugurated by Vargas in 1930 have now run their course. The conception of this new regime is oriented essentially by the replacement of the political dimension as the central space for organizing Brazilian society and the economy - i.e., the country's "deconstitutionalization" - and a wager on freer and more autonomous movement by social and economic stakeholders. The implementation of this "nonMachlavellian'' regime will depend on the Administration's ability to respond to a series of dilemmas that are common to Latin American and Eastern European countries in the search to make democracy and the market mutually compatible. Although this new regimes proposal is coherent, it can be expected to lose its original identity through bargaining with Congress and other important sectors in Brazilian society.
A Desdramatização da Mudança ou o ''Desencantamento'' do Brasil