
Dados vol. 35 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 1992

Objetos, Memória e História. Observação e Análise de um Museu Histórico Brasileiro

Santos, Myrian S.


The article presents a comparative study of different narratives on memory. Taking as empirical reference the organization and display of the Brazilian History Museum collection, the author traces a correspondence between different historiographical perspectives, object languages and discourses on memory. The analysis focuses on the conflict between the multisecular historiographical perspective and the exhibition of objects, which expresses different languages that were acquired under former directions. It is suggested that the Museum fails both to offer a coherent direction and to lend legitimacy to its proposal of preserving memory, thereby neglecting the possibility of a better reflection on what we inherit from our past.

Texto completo

Objetos, Memória e História. Observação e Análise de um Museu Histórico Brasileiro