
Dados vol. 34 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro 1991

Uma Abordagem Pragmática para a Intervenção do Estado: O Caso Brasileiro

Pereira, Luiz Carlos Bresser


The article analyzes state intervention in the Brazilian economy. It is argued that this intervention tends to be cyclic and that the issue must be approached from a pragmatic and dialectical perspective. According to this theory of cyclic behavior, state economic intervention was extremely operative in Brazilian development starting from 1930-1940, but as the import substitution strategy carne to an end and the distortions inherent to state intervention began to grow, this was no longer the case. It thus became necessary to privatize, liberalize, and deregulate. Once the state has been trimmed back, and the phase of shrinkage and cyclical reform ended, the state may again begin intervening, this time in new sectors of the economy and in the terms that have been pragmatically and dialectically advanced by economists in the East, who at present enforce this strategy in their nations.

Texto completo

Uma Abordagem Pragmática para a Intervenção do Estado: O Caso Brasileiro