
Dados vol. 29 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro 1986

A Administração da Justiça Criminal no Rio de Janeiro: 1942-1967

Coelho, Edmundo Campos


The author analyzes data from trials and inquests held in the criminal courts of Rio de Janeiro between 1942 and 1967. The results of the analysis substantiate the idea that, firstly, the clientele of criminal justice is made up almost entirely of individuals from the lower socio-economic strata; secondly, the data reveals highly stable rates of indictment and conviction; thirdly, there is evidence that conviction rates are adjusted to the penitentiary system 's absorption capacity. The hypothesis of the "overloading" of the administration of criminal justice partly explains the stability of conviction rates and the adjustment tendency, while a more general conclusion indicates mechanisms of homeostasis.

Texto completo

A Administração da Justiça Criminal no Rio de Janeiro: 1942-1967