
Dados vol. 26 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 1983

Imprensa e Redemocratização no Brasil

Duarte, Celina Rabello


This paper deals with the lifting of controls over the press during the period of transition from the authoritarian regime under Geisel's government, from 1974 to 1978. Based on interviews with journalists and governmental authorities, it views the process of political redemocratization is a necessity of the establishment itself. Thus it argues that the controlled liberalization of the press was essential for the integration of the political system and the expansion of governmental capabilities, eliminating political dysfunctions inherited from the authoritarian period. The press was particularly important as a means of integration in so far as it contributed to the internalization of political struggles by the dominant power system. Acting as a mediator, the press gave support to governmental sectors in favor of redemocratization while it also broke the information monopoly hitherto possessed by the military, bringing the political debate to the public at large.

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Imprensa e Redemocratização no Brasil