
Dados n. 15 Rio de Janeiro 1977

A Formação das Elites e a Continuação da Construção do Estado Nacional Brasileiro

Barros, Alexandre de S. C.


ln comparing the educational training of Brazil's civilian and military elites, the author contends that the process has become more consistent in the case of the latter and less consistent in the case of the former. The rapid expansion of Brazil's training system for civilian elites has led to the rise of heterogeneous "quasi-elites'', which are mutually competitive and neither share a common set of values nor "speak the same language." ln the eyes of Brazil's military establishment, these civilian "quasi-elites" are incapable of agreeing even on the basic issues of how the country should be ruled. ln contrast, the military elites have had a tight professional and ideological training, as a result of which they are objectively more qualified to assume and retain power. Subjectively, they see themselves as better suited and more legitimately entitled than any other group to further the country's economic development and perform the tasks of national state-building. While the military have been ruling the country since 1964, they appear to approach their power-wielding role ambiguously. The fulfillment of a tacit promise that Brazil will someday return to civilian rule depends on the emergence of a competent and trustworthy (as defined by the military establishment itself) civilian elite which could take over Brazil's political process. However, the training policies implemented to date do not seem conducive to the rise of a capable civilian elite and, should present trends continue, no such elite is likely to emerge in the foreseeable future.

Texto completo

A Formação das Elites e a Continuação da Construção do Estado Nacional Brasileiro