
Dados n. 7 Rio de Janeiro 1970

O Contexto Político da Revolução de Trinta

Franco, Celina do Amaral Peixoto Moreira; Oliveira, Lúcia Lippi; Hime, Maria Aparecida Alves


This paper distinguishes two approaches, as present in the literature on the Revolution of 1930: one which is based on theories of social classes, and another which tries to characterize the social forces which participated in that movement in empirical terms. The former approach is only discussed without concern as to its validity; the latter approach is used as a way of characterizing the behavior of the political actors which led the First Republic into its own destruction. Two moments are considered: first, the functioning of the system given certain parameters, and, second, the collapse of the system once the limits have been reached. The political actors are the states, the central State, the "Tenentes" who participated in the Coluna Prestes, and the Revolutionary Parties. The main hypothesis of this work is that the collapse of the First Republic was provoked by the conflict between the states and the central State. The breakdown of the coalition which supported the First Republic is seen as a result of the central States attempt to preserve the system even at the cost of undermining its own basis of support; and then as a result of the increase in electoral weights within the system. A central State. The breakdown of the coalition ed by a system of regional alliances, and an Opposition which was too big to be kept outside the system of alliances forced the redefinition of the very parameters which supported the system.

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O Contexto Político da Revolução de Trinta