
Dados vol. 36 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro 1993

A Estrutura do Argumento Contratualista: Thomas Hobbes e a Gênese Ética da Reflexão Política Moderna

Soares, Luiz Eduardo


As its analytical method, the article projects the arguments stated in Leviathan toward the virtual point of maximum consistency (which includes rendering contradictions explicit). It shows that the Hobbesian contractual proposition presupposes a tension between two viewpoints: (1) that whose nuclear argument derives from the transcendental construction of a universalized subject, which is the condition for the ontological being of reason's idea of itself and (2) that which conceives a sociological-strategic model of empirical simulation. The resolution overcomes the impasse but preserves the tension of the ambivalence: the ideal-subjective construct is no longer a transcendental deduction but instead a moment of anthropological self-constitution of the social actor. The issue shiffts: what is primarily in question in contract theory are not the social order's conditions of possibility but rather the duty to political obedience, from a parametric perspective.

Texto completo

A Estrutura do Argumento Contratualista: Thomas Hobbes e a Gênese Ética da Reflexão Política Moderna