Dados é uma das principais e mais longevas publicações nas ciências sociais no Brasil. Criada em 1966, divulga trabalhos inéditos e inovadores, oriundos de pesquisa acadêmica, de autores brasileiros e estrangeiros. Editada pelo IESP-UERJ, é seu objetivo conciliar o rigor científico e a excelência acadêmica com ênfase no debate público a partir da análise de questões substantivas da sociedade e da política.
Dados vol. 30 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro 1987
The author of this article uses the conflict between Brazil and Paraguay, which took place during the second half of the 191h century, to analyze the plausibility of the theory established by Calahan, according to which four major sets of circumstances or conditions exist under which a war may come to an end. The author examines the military conditions which would have permitted a Paraguayan victory and the successive points at which the allies (Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay) might have won, assuming that the political terms had been established. A consideration of available historical evidence on the conflict leads the author to conclude in favor of the plausibility of the arguments originally presented on the end of international two sided conflicts. The arguments hold implications for the historical understanding of the Vietnarn War and the probable course of the current conflict between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan.
A Guerra do Paraguai: Lição para os Conflitos Contemporâneos