
Dados vol. 57 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro abr./jun. 2014

From raison d'état to mitigated republicanism: a narrative of the production of Brazilian foreign policy inspired by Raymundo Faoro

Lopes, Dawisson Belém


In this article we approach the evolution of a 'foreign policy system' in Brazil, since the 19th century until current day, pointing out its permanent elements (as opposed to conjunctures). The notions of 'aristocratic republicanism' and 'bureaucratic estate' provide theoretical ground to the fabrication of a narrative that, in several ways, diverges from the ones which have structured the field of Brazilian Foreign Policy studies. Our main argument is that the Brazilian diplomatic stratum finds itself under pressure today, due to political democratization and also because modern international relations are growing more and more complex, what can mitigate the primacy the Brazilian national elite has always enjoyed in defining what should be understood as the national interest.

Keywords: Brazil, democracy, foreign policy, aristocratic republicanism

DOI: 10.1590/0011-5258201415

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From raison d'état to mitigated republicanism: a narrative of the production of Brazilian foreign policy inspired by Raymundo Faoro