
Dados vol. 50 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 2007

O melhor governo possível: Francesco Guicciardini e o método prudencial de análise da política

Teixeira, Felipe Charbel


This article analyzes the basis of the prudential method of political analysis developed by 16th century Florentine statesman and writer Francesco Guicciardini. According to the article, the prudential method is based on an analytical distinction between "substantial diversities" and "accidental diversities" in human things, allowing the prudent analyst to weave arguments (necessary or probable, respectively) for reality, armed with discrezione and a "penetrating gaze" - the result of a combination of "natural prudence", experience in public affairs, knowledge of "ancient and modern history", and practical reason. The method constitutes the underpinnings for Guicciardini's reflections on political decision-making and possibilities for transforming the reggimento (government) of the city of Florence.

Palavras-chave: prudence; republicanism; good government; Guicciardini.

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582007000200004

Texto completo

O melhor governo possível: Francesco Guicciardini e o método prudencial de análise da política