
Dados vol. 37 n. 2 Rio de Janeiro 1994

Reformas Econômicas e Democracia no Brasil dos Anos 90: As Câmaras Setoriais como Fórum de Negociação

Diniz, Eli


The article analyzes the process through which Brazil's Sectoral Chambers were formed and their patterns of operation. The main purpose of these bodies - created by the Sarney administration in 1988-89 and re-activated in 1991 under Collor - is to bring together technocrats and leaders of state-run entities, on the one hand, and representatives of the private sector and union leaders, on the other, to negotiate price and wage issues as well as special aspects of industrial policy. Relying on a broad spectrum of material - documents, reports, inside evaluations prepared by the bodies involved, interviews with strategic actors, and press material - the text discusses the theoretical issues underlying the polemic between the liberal and neocorporatist arguments, which was sparked by the Automotive Industry Agreements. While underscoring the fact that this debate demands a deeper discussion regarding the nature of the Brazilian political system, the author refutes the two polar views and calls attention to the scope and limits of the tripartite negotiating model introduced through these chambers. An evaluation of agreements signed so far leads to the conclusion that Sectoral Chambers can serve as valuable instruments in enforcing industrial policy. Nevertheless, their efficaciousness depends upon their being part of an efficient system of state-run companies that boasts the technical and administrative capacity to draw up alternative strategies for development, define priorities, adjust sector programs to macro-economic goals, and, above all, guarantee effective enforcement. Otherwise, these chambers may reproduce the logic of private interests that has for so long been a characteristic patterns of Brazilian industrialization.

Texto completo

Reformas Econômicas e Democracia no Brasil dos Anos 90: As Câmaras Setoriais como Fórum de Negociação