
Dados vol. 30 n. 1 Rio de Janeiro 1987

As Gerações Políticas e a Transição Brasileira

Camargo, Aspásia


This article uses biographical data collected by means of the oral history technique and the life history method to analyze the strategic segments of the Brazilian élite who conducted the transition process in Brazil. This process, which began in1930 and continues until the present, involved different political generations - those of 1930, 1945, 1964 and 1985 - who adapted, defined and redefined projects for change, forging alliances and producing conflicts. The strategic actors were: the regional élites of agrarian origin, the military, the populists, the businessmen, and certain functional segments of the State, e.g. technocrats, lawyers and diplomats. Each of these segments includes trajectories, functions and projects with distinct traits and consistency. The evolution of each of them - its alliances and conflicts at different points of historical inflection - enables us to recover the specificity, the logic and the contradictions of the Brazilian political model, including those of the recent transition.

Texto completo

As Gerações Políticas e a Transição Brasileira