
Dados vol. 28 n. 3 Rio de Janeiro 1985

Tipos de Capitalismo Instituições e Ação Social: Notas para uma Sociologia Política Do Brasil Contemporâneo

Nunes, Edson Oliveira


ln the process of adopting modem capitalism, Brazil had to create many new institutions in a relatively short period of time. Contradicting both Weber's and Polanyi's diagnoses, however, not all of them were penetrated by the impersonal logic of modem market relations. This process of institution building amidst profound economic and social change constitutes the focus of this research. I propose an interpretive framework for understanding the relations between formal political institutions and society in contemporary Brazil. The analysis begins with a discussion of the characteristics of capitalism in advanced industrial societies as contrasted to peasant societies and non-industrialized peripheral capitalist societies. The aim is obviously not to reify these contrasts, but rather to take them as a point of departure in sorting out different sets of possible relations between mode of production, patterns of social action, and formal political institutions and to propose that four institutionalized patterns of relationships or "grammars" exist that structure the links between society and formal institutions in Brazil: clientelism; corporatism; bureaucratic insulation; am procedural universalism. Of these four, only the last one clearly reflects the logic of the modem capitalist market. Summarizing, my goal is to show how the introduction of modem capitalism in Brazil interacted with the creation of a syncretic institutional system that is now national and multifaceted, not regional and dual I propose to look at the problem of articulation of this industrializing society from the point of view of its political structures, in interaction with its economic transformation.

Texto completo

Tipos de Capitalismo Instituições e Ação Social: Notas para uma Sociologia Política Do Brasil Contemporâneo