
Dados vol. 50 n. 4 Rio de Janeiro 2007

Desigualdade e informação política: as eleições brasileiras de 2002

Rennó, Lucio R.


This article tests whether there were race, gender, and income-related biases in political participation and distribution of political information during the 2002 Brazilian elections. The importance of political information is not assumed, but verified empirically. The first step was thus to confirm which types of information more clearly affected voter turnout and choices. Having clarified the role of political information in the 2002 elections, the article proceeds to investigate whether there were biases in the distribution of information that affected political participation and choice. Data for this study were obtained from a single public opinion panel study conducted in two medium-sized Brazilian cities, and the findings indicate pervasive biases in the distribution of political information in Brazil.

Palavras-chave: political information; inequality; elections.

DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582007000400004

Texto completo

Desigualdade e informação política: as eleições brasileiras de 2002