
Dados n. 22 Rio de Janeiro 1979

Política Exterior no Brasil: Balanço e Perspectivas

Lafer, Celso


The aim of this article is to carry out an evaluation of Brazil's foreign policy. This objective is pursued in two stages: in the first, the author examines the norms which regulate the current modalities of organization and functioning of the international system, within which Brazil is inserted. Thus, the first part of the article shows how the movement from the cold war to 'detente' gave rise to an economic polycentrism which established the international transference of resources as the basic axis of international relations. The author also points out the manner in which the industrial and technological confrontation gave rise to redistributions of power on the international plane, and how this in turn permitted a more ample debate of the new world economic order - a debate which is of interest to Brazil as a developing country with aspirations to fulfill a role in the redefinition of the international system. In the second part, drawing upon the conclusions of the first, the author examines Brazil's foreign policy, emphasizing the manner in which the strategy of the country's insertion in the international system of resource transference is the basic item to be focussed on. Attention is given, in the first instance, to a significant change in the degree of importance which the external sector has for internal growth, both in terms of commerce and finance flows, as well as in (multinational) investments, pointing out how this process increased, simultaneously, the international relevance of Brazil, and her interdependencies and vulnerabilities. The increasing completity of the administration of foreign policy, which results from these factors, is examined, revealing Itamaraty's (Brazil's Diplomatic Service) difficulties in translating the synthesis between the internal and external planes which condition Brazil's foreign policy. This synthesis - the diplomatic style - is analysed through a study which differentiates the objectives of multilateral diplomacy (aimed toward assuming Brazil's presence on the international plane) from those of bilateral diplomacy, which seeks real results. An evaluation of the multilateral presence and the bilateral results leads to a sl1llllning-up of the successes and non-successes of Brazil's foreign policy and to some conclusions on future dilemmas.

Texto completo

Política Exterior no Brasil: Balanço e Perspectivas