
Dados n. 21 Rio de Janeiro 1979

As Duas Faces da Mobilidade

Silva, Nelson do Valle


Analysis of social mobility in Brazil has, in a general way, limited itself to the general standards of occupational mobility. With this type approach, it can be verified that social mobility in Brazil is extensive and ascendent, with recruitment bases for strata that widen as one rises in the occupational hierarchy. Meanwhile, it can be argued that in order to evaluate the level of "abertura" - opening - of Brazilian society, it is necessary to distinguish the social mobility produced by conjunctural factors from that which is inherent to the social structure. Analysis of social mobility in Brazil, in terms of mobility induced by external factors and endogenous or "circulation" mobility, indicates that most occupational mobility in Brazil originates from external structural changes, although "circulation" mobility has a .relevant role. Analysis of circulation mobility, estimated by the tabular adjustment method associated with the name of W. E. Deming, indicates that Brazilian occupational structure tends to form itself into sensitively impermeable classes. Two structural barriers to mobility, namely the rural/ urban and manual/non-manual dimensions, produce a clear structuring into three classes, the chances of mobility within these classes being many times greater than the chances of mobility between classes.

Texto completo

As Duas Faces da Mobilidade